Quickly fix a broken SEO Page Generator in SuiteCommerce

Quickly fix a broken SEO Page Generator in SuiteCommerce

Quickly fix a broken SEO Page Generator in SuiteCommerce

It is a well-known issue that a broken SEO page generator in SuiteCommerce is invisible to us and only detectable when the search engines start to penalize our site. Once this happens the weight to be lifted is enormous in order for search engines to “trust” us again.

At BrokenRubik we thought about these consequences and started to look for a way to mitigate the impact this issue has. Let’s dive into it.

Exposing the errors

We created a tool that monitors the site and alerts the site admin when the SEO page generator cannot render the page due to an issue in the code. We use Prometheus to do the monitoring and Grafana Cloud to securely store data and visualize it. Prometheus also allows us to send alerts to the site admins when something is off.

Getting the data

By visiting your site using the seodebug parameter, NetSuite will return information on errors, anomalies, and erroneous HTTP calls including those that affect page metadata, such as the description, title, keywords, and page content crawled by Google and other search engines.

We leverage data that’s publicly available to be able to provide a proactive response when your site is not performing as it should.

Example of the data requested and stored:

Example of how this looks in Grafana:

Are you interested?

If you’d like to be part of this monitoring program, Contact Us, and let’s schedule a call!

Refs you might want to check out:
Prometheus: https://prometheus.io/
Grafana Cloud: https://grafana.com/products/cloud/
Seodebug Parameter: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_1548174148.html
Grafana Security Compliance: https://trust.grafana.com/

It is a well-known issue that a broken SEO page generator in SuiteCommerce is invisible to us and only detectable when the search engines start to penalize our site. Once this happens the weight to be lifted is enormous in order for search engines to “trust” us again.

At BrokenRubik we thought about these consequences and started to look for a way to mitigate the impact this issue has. Let’s dive into it.

Exposing the errors

We created a tool that monitors the site and alerts the site admin when the SEO page generator cannot render the page due to an issue in the code. We use Prometheus to do the monitoring and Grafana Cloud to securely store data and visualize it. Prometheus also allows us to send alerts to the site admins when something is off.

Getting the data

By visiting your site using the seodebug parameter, NetSuite will return information on errors, anomalies, and erroneous HTTP calls including those that affect page metadata, such as the description, title, keywords, and page content crawled by Google and other search engines.

We leverage data that’s publicly available to be able to provide a proactive response when your site is not performing as it should.

Example of the data requested and stored:

Example of how this looks in Grafana:

Are you interested?

If you’d like to be part of this monitoring program, Contact Us, and let’s schedule a call!

Refs you might want to check out:
Prometheus: https://prometheus.io/
Grafana Cloud: https://grafana.com/products/cloud/
Seodebug Parameter: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_1548174148.html
Grafana Security Compliance: https://trust.grafana.com/